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  • Writer's pictureEli Lipsky

Whose therapy group?!?

Welcome to the "My Therapy Group" blog!

As the founder and therapist behind this practice, I want to take a moment to share with you the story behind its name and why it holds a special place in my heart. Choosing a name for a therapy practice may seem like a simple task, but for me, it was an opportunity to convey my vision, values, and the essence of what I hoped to create.

A Safe space for Healing:

When establishing my therapy practice, my primary goal was to create a safe space for individuals, couples, and families seeking healing and personal growth. I wanted to develop an environment that would provide a sense of belonging, support, and understanding. It was crucial for me to foster a space where people could truly feel like they could be honest with themselves in a supportive environment.

Ownership and Empowerment:

The name "My Therapy Group" also reflects my intention to empower individuals on their path to healing. Therapy is a collaborative process, where clients actively participate in their own growth and well-being. I wanted everyone to see our time together as an opportunity for ownership and personal agency over their lives. I believe that each individual is the expert in their own life, and the therapist serves as a guide to help people unlock their inner wisdom and resilience.

Inclusivity and Accessibility:

The name "My Therapy Group" also reflects my commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. Therapy should be accessible to all who seek it, regardless of background, identity, or circumstances. By using a simple, straightforward name, I aimed to eliminate any potential barriers and create an inviting space for everyone, regardless of their individual experiences or concerns.

Naming this practice "My Therapy Group" was a deliberate choice rooted in a desire to cultivate a healing environment built on connection, ownership, community, and support. It represents a space where individuals can embark on their unique journeys while feeling a sense of belonging and empowerment.

All are welcome, and all are respected.

Whether you're seeking individual therapy or interested in couple, relational, or family work, know that "My Therapy Group" is a place where you can discover your inner strength, find solace in the exploration of your experiences, and embark on a transformative path towards holistic well-being.

Let's create a space where healing and growth flourish, together.

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